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Harassing calls from Turning Point Solutions Inc?

Harassing calls from Turning Point Solutions Inc?

Harassing calls from Turning Point Solutions Inc?

Getting constant calls from Turning Point Solutions Inc can really have devastating effects on your life and credit score. They may even have come calling for you at your place of employment or they might have called up your friends and relatives, not just trying to get information about you (as is permissible by law) but trying to furnish them with information about your alleged debt in a desperate bid to shame you into paying up.

The good news, however, is that even if you are certain that the debt is yours, you do not have to tolerate harassment from your debt collector because the law prohibits it. The Federal Trade Commission recognized this problem early enough and understood that debt collection tactics can often lead to harassment, therefore there are specific guidelines in place to ensure this does not happen.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (or FDCPA) is a federal law regarding debt collection and what debt collectors are allowed to do in the context of debt collection. The FDCPA puts the power in the hands of the consumer and gives you a level of control over the way debt collectors are allowed to treat you throughout the debt collection process. It also provides you with an avenue to sue an erring debt collection agency for statutory damages, actual damages, attorney fees, and other fines decided by the court of law.

If you believe that Turning Point Solutions Inc has encroached on your rights to a fair debt collection process, do not hesitate to call us now on 844-791-1990.

How do I know that Turning Point Solutions Inc is harassing me?

Under the FDCPA, debt collection harassment is defined as when a debt collector engages in any of the following acts:

  • Calls you anonymously
  • Calls excessively with the intent to annoy or aggravate you
  • Threatens you with prison, wage garnishment, violence, or any other act that they are not (or will not) permitted to carry out.
  • Uses profane, abusive, or unprofessional language when addressing you
  • Makes your name public
  • Misinterprets your credit score
  • Contacts you via Robocalls without gaining your prior consent
  • Shares details of your debt with unauthorized persons.

Any of these actions may violate the FDCPA laws and allow you to sue for damages and attorney fees. Call us now on 844-791-1990 to find out how you may proceed.

About Turning Point Solutions Inc

According to their website:

Turning Point Solutions was founded by Anne McDonald, MSW, LICSW, after seeing first hand how a lack of knowledge in navigating the healthcare system, and a lack of geriatric expertise, directly impact consumers in challenging ways. Her passion to change “healthcare into WellCare” is grounded in a desire for everyone to live life to the highest quality possible.

Anne has worked with the entire lifespan over her 17-year social work career and found her passion for healthcare while completing her clinical internship at a local hospital. Through that work, she realized that healthcare is not only medicine and it’s not confined to the four walls of a hospital or clinic; its WHOLE person health and building relationships with people is the founding benchmark for wellness. She is excited to bring her expertise to you and help make your next Turning Point a step in the right direction. We at Turning Point know that finding the right support to meet your needs is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to listen to your needs, define the scope of your goals, and match your budget to the services that will support your “best you”.

Contact Information

5408 Serene Forest Dr

Apex, NC 27539-4126

Phone: 919-612-1494

About this site (Telephone Harassment)

Here at Telephone Harassment, we are all about informing consumers about their rights regarding harassment from debt collectors, collection law firms, and Original lenders. We alert consumers of scams and notify them about the harassment and scare tactics that many collection agencies employ, many of which are against phone harassment laws. Read more about us here.

Call us now on 844-791-1990

Turning Point Solutions Inc may be contacting you from the following numbers: 919-612-1494, 919-412-7947, (919) 612-1494, (919)412-7947

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Turning Point Solutions Inc BBB Information

BBB file opened: 02/26/2014

Consumer Rights Law Firm Center BBB information

BBB Rating: A+

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