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First Platinum Corporation Debt Collection issues?

First Platinum Corporation Debt Collection issues?

We all fall on hard times every now and then. If you have fallen on hard times that have prevented you from making payments on your debt account, First Platinum Corporation may be calling you to collect those debts.

Unfortunately, debt collectors are not trained to relate to our daily struggles, therefore, all they concerned about is getting you to resolve your debt regardless of whether or not you have the capacity to do so. This lack of compassion has often led them to employ forceful methods of debt collection that may be illegal under the terms of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) or Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

Here at Telephone Harassment, we are dedicated to putting an end to the nasty tactics many debt collectors employ when trying to collect a debt. You have rights as a consumer and do not have to live in fear of creditor abuse any longer. Call us now on 844-791-1990 and get all the answers you need by talking directly to an attorney

Telephone Harassment from First Platinum Corporation?

Have you been plagued by ceaseless calls from First Platinum Corporation? There’s no need to panic anymore, the telephone consumer protection laws exist to protect you from getting pestered by unending calls from debt collection agencies.

You may also be able to sue and get compensation of up to $1500 if the Telephone Consumer Protection Act is violated by First Platinum Corporation. Read more about your TCPA rights here, or call us on 844-791-1990.

Debt Harassment from First Platinum Corporation?

Late-night phone calls, calling you at your place of employment, leaving messages that threaten you with wage garnishments or lawsuits, telling you that you are a criminal. If all these sound familiar to you, then your debt collector may be seriously out of line.

Under the FDCPA, practices such as making threats, calling your place of employment, harassing family members, and making anonymous calls are barred. This, however, hardly stops many debt collectors, because they bank on consumers not understanding or asserting their rights. Read more about your FDCPA rights here or call us on 844-791-1990.

3 essential steps in the Debt Collection process 

  1. When your debt has gone into default for the first six months, you usually will usually be in communication with the internal collector of your original creditor. Your original creditor’s internal collector is also called a first-party agent (you, as the debtor, are the second party, and if the debt gets transferred to a debt collection organization, they become the third party).
  2. If your debt has gone into default for a long time and you still fail to repay your debt, it will be assigned to a third-party debt collection organization. The debt is, however, still owned by, and owed to, the original creditor. If the third-party agency successfully gets you to resolve your debt, they will earn a commission from the original creditor.
  3.  In the final and the direst stage of the process, your original creditor will write off your debt and sell it (often for pennies on the dollar) to a third-party debt collection agency. In this stage of the process, your original creditor is no longer involved. It is now up to the debt collection organization to recoup as much of the debt as they can because the profitability of their debt purchase depends on it. This may be why First Platinum Corporation is calling you relentlessly.
About First Platinum Corporation

First Platinum Corporation is a third-party debt collector located in Buffalo, New York.

Contact Information

40 Comet Ave

Buffalo, NY 14216-1711


Phone: (800) 706-8982

About this site (Telephone Harassment)

We encourage consumers to share their experience dealing with collection harassment, legal threats or excessive phone calls to help prepare others for the kind of treatment they are likely to receive.

Call us now on 844-791-1990

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First Platinum Corporation BBB Information

BBB file opened: 3/22/2007

Consumer Rights Law Firm Center BBB information

BBB Rating: NR

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